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Ensuring Solar Panel Reliability with CSZ Testing Chambers

The solar market is expecting an impressive expansion as the world pushes the boundaries of renewable energy technology. Estimated at $170.25 billion in 2023, the global solar PV panel market is anticipating a projected revenue of $287.13 billion in 2030. In the U.S., driven by rising demand for green electricity, declining solar panel costs, and federal initiatives like the solar investment tax credit, solar accounted for 75% of all new electricity-generating capacity added to the grid in the first quarter of 2024.  

As companies begin constructing new solar plants and increasing the capacity of their existing facilities, manufacturers and researchers must perform rigorous environmental tests to determine the quality of their technology and ensure solar panels conform to industry standards and safety requirements. 


Solar Panel Applications 

Commonly used on residential rooftops, sprawling solar farms, or powering satellites, solar panels are regularly subjected to changing temperatures, inclement weather, and humidity fluctuations, as well as environments withblowing sand or salt mist corrosion. To address these challenges, manufacturers utilize specialized solar panel test chambers to create controlled environments that replicate a variety of extreme conditions, validating durability and performance. This rigorous testing process ensures that solar installations can deliver reliable, sustainable energy solutions in any of these common applications.

Testing also provides valuable data on expected performance over time. When it comes to searching for reliability, customers want to know that their manufacturers are using the proper equipment to ensure that their solar panels have been thoroughly tested.  

The implementation of international standards, such as those set by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) & UL, further enhances consumer confidence by ensuring that the panels meet stringent safety and durability criteria. As a result, buyers are assured that their investment in solar technology will yield reliable energy production for years to come, maximizing return on investment. 


Types of Solar Panel Technology

When discussing solar panel technology, it's essential to understand the two primary types: crystalline silicon and thin-film solar panels, each with distinct characteristics and testing needs.

Crystalline silicon panels are the most common, further divided into monocrystalline and polycrystalline varieties. Monocrystalline panels are made from a single crystal structure of silicon, known for their high efficiency, perform well in high-temperature conditions and have a longer lifespan, often exceeding 30 years. Polycrystalline panels are made from multiple silicon crystals, offering a more budget-friendly alternative. While they are less efficient in high temperatures than their monocrystalline counterparts, their lower cost makes them popular for large installations.

In contrast, thin-film solar panels are made from various materials, including cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), and amorphous silicon (a-Si). These panels are characterized by their lightweight and flexible design. Although thin-film panels generally have lower efficiencies, their manufacturing process is less expensive, which makes them attractive for large-scale installations, such as utility-scale solar farms. Additionally, thin-film panels perform better in high-temperature environments due to their lower temperature coefficient and can be installed on surfaces that cannot support heavier panels.


Safety and Design Qualification Standards

CSZ test chambers are engineered to meet common solar panel safety and design qualification standards including the following:

  •        UL 1703 - Safety standards for flat-plate PV modules
  •        IEC 61215 - Design qualification for crystalline silicon PV modules
  •        IEC 61646 - Design qualification for thin film PV modules
  •        ASTM E1171 - Test methods for photovoltaic modules
  •        IEC 61730 - Safety standard for photovoltaic Modules
  •        IEC 62176 – The resistance of solar panels to ammonia
  •        IEC 61701 – The resistance of solar panels to salt spray
  •        IEC 60068-2-68 – Test methods to determine the effects of dust and sand in the air


Of these standards, UL 1703is considered the most important for solar panel testing in the U.S., as cities and counties will only issue installation permits for solar panels with a UL 1703 certification. Tests required by UL 1703 include the Temperature Cycling, Humidity Freeze, Accelerated Aging, Water Spray, Corrosive Atmosphere, and Hot Spot Endurance tests. This protocol ensures that solar panels are safe and reliable under various environmental conditions.


What to consider when selecting a chamber  

When selecting a chamber for solar panel testing, several critical factors must be considered to ensure accurate and reliable results. The first thing that needs to be discussed is under what standards the panels need to be tested. Once this has been determined, we must look at how these products will be tested. The chamber should provide a controlled environment that can simulate various climatic conditions, including temperature and humidity, which are essential for evaluating the performance of solar panels under real-world scenarios.  

Additionally, the chamber's size must accommodate the dimensions of the solar panels being tested, allowing for adequate space to avoid interference during testing. Furthermore, it is important to consider the chamber's ability to maintain stable conditions over extended periods, as prolonged testing is often necessary to assess degradation and efficiency.

Lastly, it is essential to ensure that the chamber is equipped with appropriate sensors and data acquisition systems to monitor and record performance metrics accurately throughout the testing process.


Temperature Cycling and Humidity Freeze Tests

CSZ test chambers specifically designed for testing photovoltaic modules facilitate rigorous temperature cycling and humidity freeze tests. Temperature cycling tests evaluate the durability of solar panels by subjecting them to extreme temperature variations, cycling from -40°C to +85°C over 200 cycles. Each cycle lasts approximately 4.25 to 6 hours, resulting in a total test duration of 850 to 1,200 hours. This process simulates real-world thermal stress that solar panels may encounter.

Humidity freeze tests assess the ability of solar panels to withstand high humidity and freezing conditions. This test involves cycling the temperature from +85°C at 85% relative humidity to -40°C, with each of the 10 cycles taking about 22.3 to 24 hours, culminating in a total test duration of 223 to 240 hours.


CSZ Model Options for Solar Panel Testing

CSZ offers two main categories of test chambers for validating solar panel technology: models designed for testing full-size solar panels and those suited for individual cells or small solar panels.

The SPH models are specifically engineered for testing complete solar panels. These chambers can accommodate multiple panels simultaneously and are capable of performing temperature cycling, humidity freeze, and damp heat tests. To accommodate the larger dimensions and weight of full-size solar panels, the SPH models feature spacious test space dimensions and exterior dimensions. For example, the SPH-345 model has a workspace of 74" x 96" x 84" (1880 x 2438 x 2134 mm) and can test 8 to 20 panels, assuming a weight of 55 lbs (25 kg) per panel, spaced 4" (102 mm) apart.

The standard ZP models, on the other hand, are designed for testing individual cells or small solar panels. These chambers are smaller in size compared to the SPH models, making them suitable for testing smaller samples. The ZPH-32 model, for instance, has a workspace of 38" x 38" x 38" (965 x 965 x 965 mm) and can accommodate temperature ranges from -70°C to 190°C and humidity ranges from 10% to 98% RH.

The advanced design of CSZ environmental test chambers, including unique airflow distribution and precise temperature control, ensures that solar panels are subjected to consistent and accurate testing conditions. Our patented Tundra® refrigeration system allows CSZ solar panel test chambers to achieve temperatures as low as -45°C (-49°F). This energy-efficient design helps reduce operating costs and environmental impact.  


As the demand for renewable energy continues to grow, the reliability of solar panels will only become more critical. Manufacturers and researchers must remain committed to pushing the boundaries of solar technology and ensuring that these panels can withstand the rigors of both terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments. 

Through specialized CSZ testing chambers, we can create products that help to ensure a greener and cleaner environment for generations to come through the usage of reliable and cost-effective sources of renewable energy. For additional detail, please refer to our Solar Panel Testing Guide.